Thursday, December 17, 2009

Advantages of being a mumbaikar - 1

most mumbaikars know about a lot of festivals, whom it is celebrated by and more often then not, they participate in them all.

it must because of the bhel-puri that exists there...

but being the capital and all, shouldnt they celebrate or atleast understand them? most people here don't get gudi-padwa or an easter or pongal or pateti ... kya flop people hai I tell you.


Jaiku said...

Many Delhiites, like americans, are geographically, historically (there is no word called social sciencically, but i will still use it) challenged.. They wont know much beyond their borders...
Us perpetually Migrating folk may find it tough, but hey, look at the good part..
So many new festivals, so much more goodies to munch on...!

austere said...

So you tell them!