Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The new and the shiny

I wonder sometimes
About some people I have met in the past few years

Would they have been mine?
Would I have been theirs?
Would we have had a similar understanding?
Of the ups and downs of life back then

Would we have sat on the platform
And counted local trains by the hour?

Would we have roamed the roads
Hours after everyone was in bed?

Would we have sung sad songs aloud
When one of our hearts got broken?

Would we have climbed a tree
To escape a bunch of people we annoyed?

Would we have got drunk on Benadryl
And thrown up on each other’s shoes?

Would we have cried in the rain
When death took away a loved one?

Would we have sat by the sea and held hands
To try and hold time back?

Would we think we would be together
Through time, distance, relationships?

I will never know
But I think, not.

Only because we are not what we were

Maybe these friendships are more
Because they carry the memory of youth
And the flavour of a life lived.

I can never be theirs
They would never be mine
Not all the way
But they bring colour to life
These new people
They make the journey better
And maybe, right now
Is when we were meant to be
So we could be.

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